
We have developed a life cycle analysis calculator tool for screening various packaging materials so that the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle can be approximated, thus comparing the performance of different materials and processes.


Carbon Footprint

Amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted throughout the life cycle of a packaging, measured in tons or kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). It measures the global warming potential generated by a product throughout its life cycle.

Energy Demand

Amount of energy (direct or indirect) consumed in the making of the product. This measure is expressed as an energy unit (KJ).

Water Usage

Amount of water involved in the life cycle of the product (from its manufacture to its recycling or reuse). Measured in liters (L). This metric excludes water used in cooling processes or in the use of hydroelectric plants.

ReCiPe (end point)

The ReCiPe methodology unifies and weighs the impact on ecosystems, human health, and resource depletion into a single indicator, with the goal of comparing differences between products. Its unit of measure is millipoints (mPT), where one point (Pt) equals one-hundredth of the annual environmental burden of an average European citizen, meaning an average European citizen generates 100 Pt of environmental burden per year.


Solid Waste Generation

Amount of waste that is generated throughout the life cycle of the product, considering both post-industrial waste incurred in production processes and post-consumer waste once the packaging is used.

Plastic Waste Generation

Amount of plastic waste that is generated throughout the life cycle of the product, considering both post-industrial waste incurred in production processes and post-consumer waste once the packaging is used.

We have compared the impact of different types of products during their life cycle so you can consider this when consciously choosing a packaging.
The traffic light concept applied to the environmental impact of products provides a simple and visual classification:
green color symbolizes those products that lead in terms of positive performance in a specific impact category, while red indicates the products with the worst performance in the same category.
However, it is crucial to understand that this color coding does not necessarily imply that the impact is high or low in absolute terms but serves as a comparative tool between different materials within various impact categories.

CupsCarbon footprint
(g CO2e)
Energy demand
Water usage
ReCiPe (mPt)Solid waste generation
Plastic waste generation
Wood Pulp paper cup80880600100
Sugarcane bagasse cup1001002496798
PET cup00710100
RPET cup62989157100
PP cup866695808159
PS cup101185482916
EPS Foam cup928510010010075


BandejasCarbon footprint
(g CO2e)
Energy demand
Water usage
ReCiPe (mPt)Solid waste generation
Plastic waste generation
Wood Pulp paper tray66810380100
Sugarcane bagasse tray9810022896100
EPS Foam tray 1009010010010075
PET tray 00770390
rPET tray 64989155390


ContainersCarbon footprint
(g CO2e)
Energy demand
Water usage
ReCiPe (mPt)Solid waste generation
Plastic waste generation
Wood Pulp paper container 3479000100
Sugarcane bagasse container1001002283599
EPS Foam container968310010010069
PP container009310420